“How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a
dark side also if I am to be whole.” Carl Jung
SO, we often talk about using affirmations and cultivating positivity
as a daily practice. However, for many of us, it continues to be a
struggle to acknowledge our own faults. We all have not so awesome
traits and tendencies, we all do because we are human beings. The
struggle becomes incredibly difficult to manage when we choose to
simply ignore these negative traits or actively resist against them.
Our shadow, or our ‘dark side’, often goes unseen yet follows us
around wherever we go. It requires an intentional effort to recognize
when our shadow is taking the lead.
Your shadow is unlike anyone else’s. It may consist of raw negative
emotion or it may be the deeper emotions for which you deem
unworthy to be expressed. The shadow is composed of your traits
the world around you deems unacceptable as well as what you
internalize as unlovable. Have you ever met someone who for some
indescribable reason brings out anger or shame? It could be that
you are recognizing a trait in them that you have yet to accept
about yourself.
In our lifelong effort to constantly keep growing, we have to learn
our shadow selves and allow our dark side to exist. It's when we
deny it, repress it, and project it onto others that the dark side
becomes our downfall as we get in our own way. What are your
imperfections? What are your toxic traits? How have you repressed
your emotions? What will you need to develop self-awareness and
acceptance? How will you allow your dark side to exist? Start loving
all parts of you.